Bhamwiki:Licensing templates

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Revision as of 13:56, 5 May 2010 by Lkseitz (talk | contribs) (Category sort)
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All content on Bhamwiki must either be licensed in its entirety under the Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike License version 3.0 or bear one of the following tags indicating compatibility with that license. Images uploaded to Bhamwiki licensed in this manner should include the template {{CC Image}} in their descriptions.

If you wish to submit content that does not fit the following categories, but would be permissible under our copyright policy, let an administrator know of the need for a new template, based on those available for Wikipedia.

Public domain

  • For work that is in the public domain because it was published in the United States before 1923, use the template {{PD}} to indicate that fact on the article or image page.
  • For work that is in the public domain because it was created by an employee of the United States federal government in the performance of his or her official duties, use the template {{PD-Gov}} to indicate that fact on the article or image page.
  • For work that the author, including yourself, has released into the public domain, use the template {{PD dedication}} to indicate that.


  • For content derived from GFDL-licensed sources, use the template {{GFDL}} to dual-license under the GFDL and CC-by-sa 3.0. In the past, this included content from Wikipedia, but they have since converted to a CC-by-sa 3.0 license.

By permission

  • If you own the content being submitted, use the template {{Permission}} to indicate you are giving permission for use by Bhamwiki.
  • The Birmimgham Public Library has provided special permission to Bhamwiki to use photos from their Digital Collections. When uploading the image, use the template {{BPL permission}} in the image description. Then, when using the image as a thumbnail on a page, use the template {{BPL permission caption}}.
  • Dave's Place ( has provided special permission to Bhamwiki to use photos from his site. Please use the template {{Dave911}} when uploading photos from there.

Fair use

  • For images of ads illustrate articles about that subject under the Doctrine of Fair Use, use the template {{Fair use-ad}} to indicate the assertion and provide a rationale on the article's Talk Page.
  • For company logos used to illustrate articles about that company under the Doctrine of Fair Use, use the template {{Fair use-Logo}} to indicate the assertion and provide a rationale on the article's Talk Page.
  • For images of programs illustrate articles about that subject under the Doctrine of Fair Use, use the template {{Fair use-Program}} to indicate the assertion and provide a rationale on the article's Talk Page.
  • For all other media, including covers of books, magazines, record albums, or CDs, used to illustrate articles about that work under the Doctrine of Fair Use, use the template {{Fair Use}} to indicate the assertion and provide a rationale on the article's Talk Page. Please be sure to also include the appropriate media template when using this template.