Birmingham City Hall time capsule

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The 1950 Birmingham City Hall time capsule is a 22 cubic-foot cast-iron box placed in the cornerstone of Birmingham City Hall at its August 3, 1950 dedication ceremony. Governor Jim Folsom, Sr attended and statements were given by Francis McCormack of St Anthony's Catholic Church, Abraham Mesch of Temple Beth-El, and John Googame, Jr of 6th Avenue Baptist Church. David A. Lawrence, the Mayor of Pittsburgh and President of the U. S. Conference of Mayors, gave the dedication address. Hill Ferguson of the Birmingham Historical Society placed the time capsule, which is to be opened in 2050.

The cast iron strong-box was manufactured by the American Cast Iron Pipe Company and contains, in addition to historical materials, numerous letters from city leaders to their successors, including one from Ferguson addressed to the president of the Birmingham Historical Society. Another letter calls on the city to organize a "Birmingham 1950" dinner to celebrate the occasion.


  • Ferguson, Hill (November 1963) "Dreams and Pipe Dreams". Journal of the Birmingham Historical Society, No. 4