Timeline of the COVID-19 pandemic

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This is a Timeline of the 2020 Coronavirus pandemic, documenting the chronology of local events and responses to the global Coronavirus pandemic.

December 2019

  • The emergence of a new viral epidemic was reported in the city of Wuhan in China's Hubei Province.

January 2020

February 2020

March 2020

  • March 11: The World Health Organization declared the outbreak to be a worldwide pandemic.
  • March 13: The first confirmed COVID-19 case in Alabama was reported.
  • March 13: Governor Kay Ivey declared a statewide emergency and ordered all public K-12 schools to be closed.
  • March 16: Jefferson County and the City of Birmingham declared emergencies.
  • March 16: Jefferson County Health Officer Mark Wilson announced rules restricting nursing home visitors, barring on-premises service at restaurants and bars, and closing private schools and pre-schools. His order also made it mandatory to obtain a permit to host an event with more than 25 attendees.
  • March 17: The Alabama Department of Public Health suspended on-premises food and beverage service for Blount, Shelby, St Clair, Tuscaloosa, and Walker counties.
  • March 19: Governor Ivey expanded the suspension of on-premises food and beverage service statewide, and also closed the state's beaches.
  • March 19: Jefferson County ordered that all nonessential businesses and services to close the following evening, and prohibited gatherings of more than 10 people.
  • March 20: The Alabama State Department of Corrections suspended transfer of inmates from county jails to state prisons.
  • March 24: The City of Birmingham passed a "Shelter in Place" ordinance establishing a city-wide curfew against lingering or congregating in public, with exceptions for essential business. Some public parks were barricaded to aid in enforcement of the curfew.
  • March 26: The state of Alabama announced that schools would remain closed for the remainder of the Spring.
  • March 27: Governor Ivey issued an order closing non-essential businesses and limiting non-work gatherings to no more than 10 people statewide.

April 2020

  • April 3: Governor Ivey announced a statewide "Shelter in Place" rule requiring individuals to remain at home except when carrying out specific essential activities
  • April 16: 4,249 COVID-19 cases were confirmed across the state, with 629 in Jefferson County
  • April 21: Governor Ivey announced that the state's "Shelter in Place" order would remain in force through the end of the month.
  • April 24: UAB began administering antibody tests to screen candidates for a study of convalescent plasma as a treatment for COVID-19.
  • April 28: The Birmingham City Council passed an ordinance requiring people to cover their nose and mouth with some type of mask while in public.
  • April 28: Governor Ivey announced a "Safer at Home" order to take effect on May 1, loosening restriction on some businesses and elective medical procedures and partially re-opening beaches. The order included a recommendation to wear face coverings.
  • April 30: The Birmingham City Council relaxed the city's curfew hours to remain in effect from 10:00 PM to 5:00 AM only.

May 2020

  • May 5: A KC-135R Stratotanker from the 117th Air Refueling Wing performed a fly-over of area medical centers as part of "Operation American Resolve".
  • May 6: 8,581 COVID-19 cases were confirmed across the state
  • May 8: Governor Ivey announced that restrictions on gatherings, including at churches, would be lifted; and allowing restaurants, bars, fitness centers, barber shops and salons to reopen; with precautions to maintain distancing and sanitation.
  • May 12: Two C-130 "Hercules" transports from the 908th Airlift Wing at Maxwell Air Force Base in Montgomery performed a fly-over of area medical centers as part of "Operation American Resolve".
  • May 15: Birmingham's "Shelter in Place" curfew expired.
  • May 21: Governor Ivey further relaxed statewide shutdowns, allowing entertainment and sports venues, and child-care centers to reopen with hygiene and distancing procedures in place.
  • May 22: The Jefferson County Department of Health issued an order keeping entertainment venues closed.
  • May 29: The Birmingham City Council extended the city's mask ordinance to June 12.

June 2020